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Cat-Amania is a consulting and digital services company created to carry out the digital transformation of its clients. It relies on its business, technical and methodological expertise to support its clients in their major transformation projects.

Cat-Amania defines and participates in the evolution of information systems for its clients in the fields of banking, insurance, mass distribution and industry. With more than 20 years of experience, Cat-Amania is able to respond to its clients’ needs with adaptable offers in the areas of architecture, consulting, studies, development, testing, configuration and management.

→ Cat-Amania gehört zu einer Unternehmensgruppe / einem Agenturnetzwerk.

Agenturwebsite: https://www.cat-amania.com/en/
Rechtsform: Société par Actions Simplifiée (SAS)

Cat-Amania ist Partneragentur von:

  • Jahia Partner