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Designed for the data era, Prodigious is the agency-agnostic, global production platform of the Publicis Groupe, supported by 3,500 best-in-class talents across 50 locations.
We bring specialist production expertise across all channels and markets together with consumer and performance data, to produce, adapt and deliver efficient and effective marketing content, helping brands win in the platform world.

Seamlessly connected by our comprehensive technology stack and streamlined, data-driven workflows, our regional production campuses, on-site client studios and time zone-aligned offshore hubs deliver the perfect balance of efficiency and quality.

→ Prodigious gehört zu einer Unternehmensgruppe / einem Agenturnetzwerk.

Agenturwebsite: https://www.prodigious.com/
Rechtsform: S.A.

Prodigious ist Partneragentur von:

  • CoreMedia Gold